07743 254269
Neville Mitchell is a self employed carpenter and joiner working in the Suffolk & East Anglia area.
Why choose Neville Mitchell?
Comes highly recommended
Over 30 years experience
Free quotations and advice
Works to fit your schedule
Competitive pricing
Quality tools & materials
No job is too big or small
If you would like a trustworthy, reliable local tradesman then please contact us for a free estimate
What services are offered?
As well as a wide range of other services, if you have a project which is not listed here please contact us for advice on a specific idea or project.
What areas are covered?
As we are located in central Suffolk, it is easy to quickly access the whole county, areas covered include -
2013 Neville Mitchell - Carpenter & Joiner
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60 Bridge Street, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 1BP